Books About Caregiving
There are a number of books about caregiving issues. Below is a list of "Caregiver-Approved" titles recommended by caregivers just like you. These books helped them during a time of need, and hopefully, they will do the same for you. We will continue to update our Caregiver Champions Booklist with new titles. If you are a caregiver and have a book suggest please Contact Us.
Eldercare 911, the Caregiver’s Complete Handbook for
Making Decisions
Authors: Susan Beerman and Judith Rappaport-Masson
A Caregiver’s Guide to Alzheimer’s: 300 Tips to Make Life Aasier
Author: Patricia R. Callone
Learning to Speak Alzheimer's
Author: Joanne Koenig Coste
When Your Loved One Has Dementia
Authors: Jay Glenner and Jean Stehmon
Stages of Seniorcare
Authors: Paul and Lori Hogan
The Caregiver’s Rollercoaster: A Practicle Guide for Caring for the Frail Elderly
Author: Billie Jackson
The 36-Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for People with Alzheimer Disease, Other Dementias, and Memory Loss in Later Life
Authors: Nancy L. Mace and Peter V. Rabins
Passages for Caregivers
Author: Gail Sheehy
I Am Here: The Healing Journey of Caregiving by Kevin Sharpe
Rounding the Circle of Love
Author: Harriet Tramer